Five Software Companies that rock in Content Marketing

A website content writer or web content writer specializes in providing relevant content for websites. Every website has a specific target audience and requires different content. Content should contain keywords (specific business-related terms which internet users might use in order to search for services or products) aimed towards improving a website's SEO.
Lately, more and more internet users are using ad blockers, hence making digital marketing difficult. That is where the content marketing comes into play. Here is the list of few companies that are leading world of content marketing.

#1. Google
Ever wondered how the tech giant, Google, makes an extra profit without using ads, i.e digital marketing? No? Okay let me tell you, Google prefers content marketing to digital marketing.
Google may be slow in getting into the game of content marketing. They launched ‘think with Google’ in 2013 and the ad revenue Google gained in 2014 was $59 billion.
Why ‘think with google’ is so great:
·         They share tons of original research and case studies in a digestible, interesting format.
·      They have a great website design (finally) that makes you want to stick around and read more.
·         They integrate interactive tools like calculators and maps into their content to bring it to life.

#2. Cisco
Cisco, an American multinational technology conglomerate, is the worldwide leader in IT and networking. We help companies of all sizes transform how people connect, communicate, and collaborate.
Everyone knows social media is a great platform for marketing and so is content marketing. Cisco amalgamated both social media and content marketing that is Cisco uses social media to draw attention to the content marketing efforts
Cisco launched a new router to use it as a case study to measure ROI of its marketing strategies. Cisco is now using the results for the future campaigns.

#3. KISSmetrics
KISSmetrics, a customer analytics platform, provides software to help companies better understand the types of people who are visiting their site. When it comes to content marketing, it is one of the best tech company.
They are highly consistent in publishing high-quality content; additionally, they get genuine social media shares and elite position when it comes to SEO get genuine social media shares and great quality content, furthery.arketing strategies
They also have a page named Marketing Guides: Cutting-Edge Internet Marketing Strategies and Techniques where they provide numerous guides on topics like A/B testing, Facebook marketing, e-mail marketing, and much more.

#4. IBM
IBM, an American multinational technology company, does everything in tech from producing computer hardware to IT consulting. However, it did not limit itself to technology; it also expanded its horizon in content marketing too.
IBM has proven that one can still publish really interesting a high-quality content even if you are in an industry that is not particularly “sexy.” IBM does a fine job of capturing ideas and turning them into content that would create marketing simplified.

#5. Moz
Moz, a SaaS company, sells inbound marketing and marketing analytics software. It produces SEO software to make inbound marketing easier.  The company hosts a website that includes an online community of more than one million globally-based digital marketers and marketing related tools.
They also maintain a resources page with long-form guides about learning SEO and search marketing. They even have a separate, more in-depth academy for their Pro users.

These are just a few companies; there are thousands other that are leading in the content marketing.

To write, all you need is an inspiration
                                                ~Precocious Thinker